Jurgen Brandstatter
Vendor Co-chair, IHE Europe
Jürgen is a standards expert and passionate proponent of “standards-based interoperability” in the field of Health IT and active in several standardization organizations at national and international level, in particular in the Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE) initiative.
He serves as board member of IHE International, co-chair of IHE Europe and the IHE Global Deployment Coordination Committee, co-chair of the IHE Pharmacy domain and is a founding board member of IHE Austria. In these roles he promotes standards-based interoperability for Health Information Exchanges in Europe and International.
He contributed to the European epSOS project and currently consults the Austrian eHealth Infrastructure project in the area of the nation-wide harmonization of Clinical Summary information and the Austrian e-Medication Interoperability Specification. Internationally he was involved in other interoperability projects such as eHealth Switzerland, Poland and the Saudi eHealth Exchange project.
Currently he is jointly leading the joint venture of IHE and HL7 in the context of FHIR (Gemini project) and is consulting the Asian Development Bank on standard-based blueprints, architectures and new technologies for national scale Health Information Exchange.
On behalf of the Austrian Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs, Health and Consumer Protection, he participates the Global Digital Health Partnership (www.gdhp.org)