Krzysztof Groyecki
Vice President of the Management Board of Asseco Poland
Krzysztof Groyecki has been involved in the IT sector since the beginning of his career. Since 2010 he has been the Director of the Healthcare Department in Asseco Poland, and since March 2016 he has been the Vice President of the Management Board of Asseco Poland.
Earlier, he was the founder, co-owner and the president of the management board of PiK Systemy Informatyczne Gliwice and PiK-Net. In 1999-2001, he served as the vice president of the management board of ComputerLand Zdrowie and the General Director of the Health Care Sector of ComputerLand (1999-2005). In the following years, he was the member of the management board of RUM IT (2004-2006) and the management board’s plenipotentiary for health care in ComputerLand and Sygnity (2005-2008). Then, he was the Director of the Health Care Solutions Division in ABG (2008-2010). Additionally, he was the member of the supervisory board of Clinika (2002-2003), Serum Software (2008-2010) and 3S – Śląskie Sieci Światłowodowe (2007-2013).
He has graduated from the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice (the Faculty of Automation, Electronics and Computer Science). In 1981-1987 he was an assistant and a senior assistant at the Institute of Computer Science of the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice.