Wojciech Jaworski
Product manager B+R, LekSeek Poland
He graduated with a Doctor of Science Degree (SC. D.) on University of Warsaw where he works as an adjunct in Institiute of Computer Science.
He is currently holding a managerial position of B+R project which is focused on analysis and structuralization of knowledge about the medicines in a company called LekSeek.
He is an expert in the field of:
natural language processing, knowledge representation and machine learning.
As a part of his business activity he participated in major and well known infrastructure projects like: Synat ( he developed interface in the natural language for Semantic Web, Reconcile (a research focused on credibility of content in the i nternet), Clarin Pl (he created Categorial Syntax Semantic Parser called Eniam ).
He participated as well in a research and development project in a company called Selidor resulting in creating a dialogue system designed to booking services).