Liz Ashall-Payne


Passionate about the opportunities that technology and particularly apps offer to improve health and care efficiencies and outcomes, Liz founded ORCHA, the Organisation for the Review of Care and Health Application in 2015, determined to present a way to offer much needed guidance to app developers to help raise app quality, as well as helping the public and professionals to confidently find and apply apps that could genuinely improve public, patient and organisational outcomes.

Initially a Speech and Language Therapist, Liz has almost 20 years NHS experience. She has successfully led innovative change and service transformation in complex health economies. She has led regional, national and European change programmes and networks to deliver transformational shift and has experience of working collaboratively with Public Sector, Industry and Academia.

Other roles include:
NHSE Coach Clinical Entrepreneur program
OCS Advisory Board member
BCS Associate Vice Chair for standards